Why Cornerstone SA?

Youth sport organizations are the cornerstones of the communities in which they reside. These organizations face unique challenges driven by increased demands of participant families, consistent resource constraints, and a predominantly volunteer staff. To effectively meet these challenges, youth sport organizations must enhance their organizational and leadership capacity. The Cornerstone Strategic Assistance program is designed to assist in accomplishing these objectives.

Our Mission

Enhance participation, equity, and access to play by increasing the organizational and leadership capacity of Youth Sports and Recreation Organizations.

Our Vision

A future where youth sports organizations are as strong as the spirit of the youth they serve

Our Process 

By working across boundaries to create new possibilities, we engage every stakeholder.  Approaching problems with the excitement of the athletes we serve and providing practical applications of state-of-the-science solutions

Our Services 

Recognizing the novelty of the youth sports environment, the Strategic Assistance Program offers consulting and development services tailored to the youth sports industry, including Operational Assessment, Strategic Assistance Training Program, Strategy Development, Marketing Planning, Marketing Research, Change Management Plan, Succession Planning, Collaboration Supports, Program Evaluation, Leadership Development, and Board Development, and Financial Assessment and Controls.

Test Your Organization’s Strengths Now

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