Strategic Assistance

How long does the cohort training take?

In total, the four modules are presented over a total of 10 hours, on multiple weeknights or weekends. We recognize that most youth sports organizations are run by volunteers who have other career obligations. With that in mind, we offer both online and in-person cohort training.

How long has this program been in existence?

This program has been operating for three years. We have engaged over a hundred organizations and 30 organizations have become part of our cohorts. These cohort organizations exist in all 8 Western New York counties and directly impacted over 20,000 families in the last year.

What does this cost our organization?

Due to the generosity of Ralph Wilson Jr. Foundation and Niagara University, all of these services are free to participating organizations. In fact, upon completion of the cohort training, your organization will receive a $500 honorarium.

Is this training in-person or online?

How do I know if our organization might benefit from this program?

If you have read this far, you are probably already seeing areas in which you believe your organization needs to improve. That being said, we encourage you to take this short, confidential “quiz” that will help you, and us, better understand the operational challenges you may be experiencing.

How soon can my organization start?

Our training is flexible and we offer multiple training formats.  

You can start right now. Whether your organization is ready to join a cohort or you just want to talk more about if this program is right for your organization, we are here to help. Just email us and we will schedule a mutually convenient time to talk about your organization.

Test Your Organization’s Strengths Now

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